What is the Healthy Behavior Change E-Guide?
- Bring the focus of health back to the individual, family and community.
- Connect silos of the excellent Healthy Behavior Change work that is currently underway.
- Curate important content to help people begin an exploration of areas that may be unfamiliar to them.

Healthy Behavior Change Defined
Healthy Behavior Change E-Guide Structure
We have organized nine areas of healthy behavior change in the following way: healthy behavior change “begins with you”, “takes a village”, and is supported by “enabling technologies”; thus the structure of this E-Guide. This E-Guide has been designed to help you begin an exploration of any or all of these areas, starting with content we have curated to support your effort. You may begin exploring by clicking in one of the circles below.
It Begins with You
It Takes a Village

Supporting Technology

Healthy Behavior Change E-Guide Roadmap

Background of the Healthy Behavior Change E-Guide
This E-Guide is a project of The College for Behavioral Health Leadership. It is generously supported by InfoMC Inc., a leading provider of cloud-based healthcare management and care coordination software (www.infomc.com).
The College for Behavioral Health Leadership has decades of expertise in enhancing leadership in the mental health and substance use prevention and treatment fields. We offer a distinctive focus on fostering leadership and are recognized for our unique ability to scan the eco‐system, convene leaders, and incubate new ideas to bring about change for the future. Our mission is to leverage this experience and serve as a convener of diverse leaders from across the spectrum of the health care system to identify and address opportunities for improvement and change for people of all cultures, incubate innovation, contribute to the evolution of behavioral health and wellness, and promote leadership development and succession. Learn more at leaders4health.org. The College is grateful for the leadership, development, and writing of this e-guide. Our authors and editors include Dale Jarvis, Dale Jarvis and Associates; Gina Lasky, PhD, Health Management Associates; Allen S. Daniels, EdD., InfoMC, Westat, and independent consultant; John Freeman, Dale Jarvis and Associates; and Alaina Dall, AGD Consulting. Please note that this is an open ended work in progress and we will be adding materials over time. We provide examples and resources as well as references to help find the materials, but in no case is it intended to be a comprehensive or exhaustive reference. Suggested citation: Jarvis, D., Lasky, G., Daniels, A., Dall, A. (2016).The Healthy Behavior Change E-Guide. The College for Behavioral Health Leadership. Available online at change4health.org.
© 2016 The College for Behavioral Health Leadership. Direct questions to “info [at] leaders4health.org”.